The Museum is closed to remodel and reorganize the displays. We are also logging in several additions to our collection.  


We should re-open by April 1st.

PRC Historical Society Museum

The Museum is located on the third floor of the Old City Hall. Because of security concerns access to the museum is limited. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9 am until 12 noon. For tours during the normal hours of operation, please call (601) 590-3268 to verify that a volunteer is available. Tours can also be arranged by appointment by calling the above number.

The Museum is currently undergoing a bit of remodeling and reorganization. We expect that the work will be completed in the next four to six weeks.

Museum Director, Jerry Stough 



To support our efforts, please consider becoming a member of the Pearl River County Historical Society or renewing your membership. The process is quick and easy.

    Become a member of the Pearl River County Historical Society today!

Upcoming Events

March 12, 2025

Monthly potluck luncheon

Luncheon and meeting will be help in the Holland Room of the Crosby Memorial Library at 11:30 am. Program at noon.

     Reservations are not required, guest are welcome.

Program and speaker TBA.